Pro Paint & Drywall is a drywall and painting service company.
“Professional, courteous and clean.”
We drywall and paint a LOT of new houses, twin homes, remodel and patch jobs! No job is too big oR LITTLE. We do much more than just paint and drywall…
Proudly Serving Our Customers Since 1995
Hang, tape, texture, prime and paint
References upon request.
One Year Guarantee on our work.
Free Touch-ups (within reason).
FREE Estimates! Contact Us Today.
Kelly Buys Houses
We pay Closing Costs
As-Is condition for CA$H
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(715) 575-9353
WHY? should you consider hiring us to take care of your Drywall & Painting needs? Well first lemme fill you in on a little history. As owner of Pro Paint & Drywall, I’ve been drywalling since the age of 18, thanks to my father who hooked me up with a ‘drywall and painter’ friend of his, they used to play softball together in Cadott, WI.
Next I did some work for Trillium(formerly Skill-Tech), a construction temp service that had drywall/painting jobs available. Gary(from Skil-Tech) has helped me immensely over the years. Working for them helped me to hone my skills, as I got to work for SEVERAL contractors and learn from the BEST of ‘the best.’
I’ve joined the local Painters Union in Eau Claire, went to Paint/Drywall/Decorating school in Madison (as required when you join the Union) and have attended OSHA classes. I am no longer in the Union, as that dissolved and Painter’s Union never been strong in the Eau Claire area. But I did learn quite a bit from going through that experience.
Finally I have ended up in my own business, PRO PAINT & DRYWALL, which is where I feel I’m in THE LIME LIGHT, where I feel the best. Why? Well I guess it was instilled in me from working w/my father over the years as he was self-employed and i got to experience 1st hand what being self-employed was all about.
I guess the major thing I have changed about how my dad did things over the years would be to delegate/leverage some of the tasks that could be done by anyone suitable, especially if it can be hired out at the right price, quality & timeliness.
After all you don’t see the Multi-millionaires and doing the $20/hour type jobs, they hire it out. They run a business and don’t get lost in the business. They want to be able to go on vacation, perhaps permanently, and have the business run on it’s own, a fully automated system.
Don’t get me wrong, we had TONS of fun and really if you’re self-employed there is so much joy in it. You get to get your hands in the clay and create, control and produce results. However if your vision/goal includes the bigger picture and to become more of a system/entrepreneur then perhaps you’re goals are more in line w/mine.
So bottom line, why should you hire Pro Paint & Drywall? Because you will be hiring someone who has the experience, the track record, the know how, the kwikness, the price is right, the quality, the ability to make your home pretty and stand behind their work. Customer satisfaction is our goal and good SERVICE is the key to repeat business. This means you’re likeable and you do a good job.
Here are some TIPS for those of you who are hungry for drywall/painting know how. Just remember u heard ‘the tricks of the trade’ here first!
Drywall Tip: Mesh tape is recommended to be used w/quick set mud (powdered in a bag). It says this on the instructions of the mesh tape. If you don’t use correct combination of tape and mud your joints will most likely crack.
For more FREE tips…check out our Pro Tips
Painter’s Tip: Anytime you use a cheap roller cover, which is fine because you can still get quality look from using it, make sure to wrap it with 1 1/2-2″ tape. Then squeeze the tape tight to the cover. Finally pull the tape off. Little fuzzies/lint from the roller cover will come off with the tape. Then you won’t get fuzzies on the wall when you paint.
For more FREE tips…check our our Pro Tips
Of course you could alternatively buy a $4-6 roller cover, which does not need tape to remove fuzzies. Come closer I’ve got a secret for you…. because there are no fuzzies that will come off the cover onto your wall.
So it’s you’re choice as you get the same result either way. On the flip side you can only use the cheaper roller covers once or twice and then you have to throw them out. On the flip of the flip side, if you wanna keep reusing the expensive roller cover you will need to invest a fair amount of time washing it out, including water and maybe cost to heat the water. I just decided a long time ago that my time was worth more than trying to save a roller cover, that I could buy for a dollar or two & toss when I’m done with it.
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