Not sure if you want texture and spray paint?- spray paint & even spray texture requires covering of any finished surface: flooring, trim, fixtures, etc. Especially primer/paint can be risky as sometimes it don’t come off. TexturesHand textures that i have not done a whole ceiling/but have patched in the past: This 1st one was […]
Drywall – bidding secrets
finished flooring? contract to not be responsible – have them sign window wraps– difficulty level? where it meets window (calk?), off angles total sq. ft – including closets, take time to bid everything accessibility – do you have to walk 1/4 mile to enter structure, difficult locks treat family like any other customer, with my […]
In the End, ALL we have is our Stories!
in the end, all we have is our stories… 1. Love… how does one love? i believe it is the heart, the warmth that wells up within, the doing, the saying, the thinking #2. Give/giving Give up… do good things/good deed for the day … #3. Positive: To do good things with our limited time […]
What the Union Has To Offer Tapers
Hello Everyone! I worked the Union job in Eau Claire for a while. I would say I’m impressed with a few things. Their devotion to safety and discipline is a high priority with these boys. Comerodery is also a close second. There are many people, even from different trades that seem that you can connect […]
How to Scrape Decorative Concrete Off Concrete Block Building
Yes we do much more than paint and drywall… So yesterday 6-12-17 and the day before I got the pleasure, well not really, of scraping a layer of decorative concrete off a building. The layer was maybe 1/2 inch thick. Some of it came off easy, like going through warm butter with a hot knife. […]
Construction Safety is Key if You Want to Come Home To Your Wife and Family
Construction work in general, especially if you are dealing with heights can be a very dangerous field to work in. I’ve known veterans that figure they are safe, walk right into the path of disaster. I guess they call them accidents for a reason.
Smooth Texture for Drywall
Also some people have the FAR out idea of Smooth for a texture, or a non-texture. All I can do is chuckle. Oh, they say, “We want that look.” I say, “More power to ya.” If I ever take a smooth (no texture) job on, it will specifically state in the contract that you WILL […]
Visual Editor Missing on Pro Paint & Drywall Resolved
James Huff Try adding define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); to your wp-config.php file just below the define(‘DB_HOST’ line. To do so, access your server via SFTP or FTP, or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel, and edit the file with a plain text editor. Hi, I must give credit to this guy, James… He […]
Hiring, Retaining and Keeping Helpers Productive
Anyone can say no one will outwork the next guy, but can they DO what they say & say what they do? Hard work is not the only thing to consider… Are they a fast learner Are they fast out of gate v.s stamina? thieves v.s loyalty the list goes on and on and on… […]