Well yesterday was kinda interesting. Had a few things came up… And yes I do both… Some office work and work on the job.
First Issue That Came Up
So first i believe I had a couple buckets of primer that I needed for the job and forgot to grab them. Which is a little frustrating because they were there and could have just grabbed them. Dam that multi-task attempt. So even though I usually do material mental note check in the morning when I first take off, I also need to go over my material/tools checklist if I stop in the shop midday.
Anyways the thought did cross my mind when I was driving to the job site that I may have left a couple buckets of primer behind.
Once I got to the job I figured out that I had about one and 3/4 buckets of primer and needed about three. So the brain started storming. My first thought was to spray what I had and have to drive about 30 miles back into town to get more primer… Boooo.
My second thought which was what I ended up going with was: My helper had mixed up some knockdown texture the day before. It was a bit thick so I added some water and thinned it down to a paint consistency. Then mixed the texture with the primer.
Well the pail strainer that I always use (goes over the throat/rock catcher) did end up getting plugged up. So it took a little longer than usual. Because I had to scrub the pail strainer off with scrub brush. But it was a lot faster than running back into town.
Also I’m not interested in turning this into a habit. I’m sure sending mud through the paint sprayer is not good for the sprayer. Or hey if it is easy on the sprayer, then maybe could mass produce this idea. So maybe I’ll check into it.
The Second Thing That Happened
This actually happened this morning because it’s the end of the year… “Happy New Years!” And I went to transfer the new years dates from my 2016 calendar to my 2016 calendar.(I write the upcoming years appointments on the cardboard that is the back page behind all the months pages)
And I got thinking… Why should I transfer by hand all these reminders that happen on the same date every year? So I’m now setting these reminders up on Google Calendar and getting auto reminders via email. Hey we live in a technological age, why not take advantage of it. Google is a cheap helper.
However I’m not sure if this will auto remind me every year or just this year. So maybe I’ll just do it by hand on my desk calendar, that I hang on my wall. It don’t take that much time to write it down once/year. I can also tend to be a little Old School. To each his own.
Third Thing
Had a gal that wanted a job done. And I said was a little busy. Right now we are doing 4 houses and need to get them done in about 3-4 weeks. So I offered her two prices. Because she, as do many people want things done right away. But PRICE is also important.
So a $500 job would be $600 if she wanted it done right away. She chose to wait and save $100. Which is a relief to me as we are barely keeping up the way it is.
And you wouldn’t have to offer two prices. You could simply quote them a reasonable to low price and book them in on a date that fits your schedule.
Anyways, if you have any questions just hit me up or better yet, as a time saver, check out our products tab above.