Hi There,
Today I learned that I should have someone put a lockbox on my trailer. So that if they need to move my trailer in order to landscape or whatever, they can unlock it and move it.
I lock my trailer and usually store it up in the drive way, in order to have it in close proximity to the building I’m working on.
However, sometimes I’m not at the job and the driveway installer guys get there and want to move my trailer so they can prep for pouring concrete or blacktop the next day.
They will usually try to move the trailer if I don’t get there fast enough to unlock it and move it myself.
I would prefer to unlock the trailer and move it myself as they could damage it by trying to lift the tongue of the trailer up with their skid steer/bob cat.
Having a lockbox with a code so they can get the key would be more ideal. “Never stand in the way of progress.”
That was the start of my day. Some days it seems like a LOT of things can get thrown at you. But like any successful business, all you can do is improve, systematize, prioritize, focus, ask “How can I” and make the best of it.
Easier said then done, but like my dad says, “Where there’s a will, there a way.” or sometimes he says “Where there’s a will, there’s an A”… he’s a joking type.
Hey a few laughs can’t hurt ya, right? Best medicine, especially in the world we live in. And might even help make light of some things that might otherwise frustrate you to no end. LOL
Peace out,